Who says bigger is always better?

JCHost offers a personalized level of service you just simply can not get with the bigger facilities, we will know you by name! This also allows us to create that are fit exactly for your needs. What's even more is our pricing also in line with the 'rack em and stack em' facilities.


Your Colocation, Virtual and Dedicated Server Partner

JCHost.net Internet Services, LLC. is a privately held datacenter facility established in 2004. Our main datacenter location is located in North Kansas City, Missouri right in the middle of the USA. We have dark fiber uplink to Oak Tower in Kansas City also which provides additional flexibility.

By the Numbers

  • Established in December 2004

  • Two availiable Datacenter locations

  • JCHost acquired over 100 clients

Our Support Staff :

Our group of support staff are not just technicians, they are IT professionals. We can help you solve any problem that may arise. We aren't just reboot monkey's over here. If you server has a problem whether it be software, hardware, or network related our staff can and will solve it for you. Services like reboots, OS reloads and running cross connects are free of charge, but you may also contract our staff to help you solve more technical issues and design solutions.

JCHost Data Centers:

Our main datacenter location is in North Kansas City, Missouri. We have all the aminities you would expect to find from a full service data center provider. Outside we have a natural gas generator to keep power running even when the utility company can't. Your equipment is also protected by our UPS and redundant air conditioners inside! Schedule a quick tour today! We also have direct peering with other providers in the area to allow for quick offsite backup and other cloud based applications.

Two availiable Datacenter locations

Our main data center location is located just outside downtown Kansas City in North Kansas City, MO. Here we have all the amenities you would expect including UPS, Natural Gas Generator, redundant network connections and redundant HVAC. Our facility has secure prox badge access so colo customers can gain access 24/7/365.