Blazing Fast | 99.9% reliability | Great routes | Low latency | No Excessive cost
USE OUR CHAT BELOW FOR PRESALES QUESTIONSCogent’s worldwide Tier 1 optical IP network is one of the largest of its kind, with direct IP connectivity to more than 4,480 AS (Autonomous System) networks around the world. Cogent’s network stretches over 180 markets throughout 36 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia, with over 56,600 route miles of long-haul fiber and over 26,600 miles of metropolitan fiber.
The Kansas City Internet eXchange is built on Brocade and Extreme Networks Switches. Each node is capable of 128Gbits of non-blocking forwarding and can be configured with various port configurations on demand. KCIX currently operates 4 nodes in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area with more being planned. Handoffs can be made with either copper or fiber using either Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet. See our Services page for more details.
Hurricane Electric is connected to 90 major exchange points and exchanges traffic directly with more than 3,600 different networks Employing a resilient fiber-optic topology, Hurricane Electric has no less than four redundant paths crossing North America, two separate paths between the U.S. and Europe, and rings in Europe and Asia. In addition to its vast global network, Hurricane Electric owns and operates two data centers in Fremont, California - including Hurricane Electric Fremont 2, its newest 200,000 square-foot facility. Hurricane Electric offers IPv4 and IPv6 transit solutions over the same connection. Connection speeds available include 100GE (100 gigabits/second), 10GE, and gigabit ethernet.
We use Cisco routers for all our core routing and distribution combined with Brocade/Foundry switches for access layer. In Kansas City we are multihomed with two bandwidth providers: Cogent and Hurricane Electric. We currently have atleast 1 or 10gbit feeds with all upstream providers. We are also happy to announce IPv6 is fully supported on our network!